
FC Blog

Meet One of Our Volunteer Superstars - Lily Gotel!


This week on the blog we're highlighting FC volunteer Lily Gotel! Lily has been involved with Friendship Circle for many years now and her dedication to this organization is unbeatable. She is passionate, kind, and always wants to be involved in one of our many programs. We truly love having her!


What school do you go to and what grade are you in? 

I go to Northwest School and I’m a senior. 

What extracurricular activities do you participate in?

I’m the varsity volleyball team manager, I play varsity basketball, I run track, and I’m a part of the Jewish student union at my school. I also work at Baskin Robbins. 

What do you like to do in your free time? 

I… Read More »

Meet One of Our Volunteer Superstars - Mila Shulman!

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This week we’re highlighting FC volunteer Mila Shulman! Her positive energy and smile lights up a room. Mila has been at Friendship Circle for a few years and makes an effort to attend almost every event we offer. Whether she’s leading the art project at Sunday Circles or contributing her ideas at leadership meetings, Mila really does go above and beyond. We’re so lucky to have her!



What school do you go to and what grade are you in? 

I go to Newport High School and I’m a junior. 

What extracurricular activities do you participate in?

I am part of three clubs at my school. I’m a part of knights who code, music creators club, and the Black Student Uni… Read More »

Rise and Shine FC - 2021 Volunteer Kickoff and Orientation!

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It was a dream to see everyone in person again. This past Sunday we had our annual volunteer kickoff and orientation and it was a huge success. The kickoff is a great way for new and veteran volunteers to develop new skills, meet new friends, and get excited about all of the great programs Friendship Circle has to offer. The theme was “rise and shine” where everyone wore their brightest and shiniest apparel.

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At the kickoff we had an educational workshop where volunteers had the opportunity to ask questions, play telephone pictionary, and enjoy our pancake/waffle/bagel bar. We were also lucky to have three special guests come and offer their unique perspectives: Tom Acker, an FC parent, Rebecca Berg, an occupati… Read More »

Highlights from the First In-Person Sunday Circle of the Year


After almost a year and a half of virtual events, we were excited to have our first in-person Sunday Circle of the year! Sunday Circle took place on October 3rd, at our new location, the Stroum Jewish Community Center (SJCC). It was so great to see all of our amazing kids and volunteers smiling, having fun, and making new friends. Like always, there were many fun activities for the kids and volunteers to do such as music with Wendy and Dianna, and Kung Fu with Sifu Kim.


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There were also arts and crafts, where everyone got to make their own sensory lightbulb. To make your own sensory lightbulb at home, follow our instructions below. 




Materials needed

-plastic light bulbs

-ba… Read More »

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