
FC Blog

Meet one of our volunteer superstars- Sasha Nelson!

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Sasha joined FC in December and has been going above and beyond in her involvement. She is always very positive and interactive during our virtual programs.

What school do you go to and what grade are you in?

Hi! My name is Sasha Nelson. I’m a sophomore at Lakeside School.

What other extracurricular activities do you participate in?

I take dance classes at Allegro Performing Arts Academy. I attend class virtually for now, but I hope to go in person soon. I’ve also been doing aerial silks for two years, and you wouldn’t believe some of the crazy stunts I can do now! 

What do you like to do in your free time?

I’m really interested in video editing. In fact, when my show choir’s performanc… Read More »

Shattering Limits and Breaking Stereotypes; Former FC Participant inspires hundreds of volunteers

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According to Joe Volfman there’s no such thing as a disability. Although Joe has Cerebral Palsy, which keeps him confined to a wheelchair, he achieves his big dreams and overcomes all obstacles. Joe is a professional handbiker, biking 180 miles last Summer with the Friendship Circle of Wisconsin. This past January, Joe came full circle when he gave a passion fueled talk to over 100 teen volunteers from Friendship Circles in Washington, Wisconsin, Florida and Massachusetts. 


Joe’s commitment to the Friendship Circle comes from a place of gratitude. He received his first adaptive bike from the Friendship Circle of New Jersey where he was a participant for 7 years. Beyond sparking his passion for biking, Joe … Read More »

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