
Meet One of Our Volunteer Superstars - Lexi Fredman!

Thursday, 11 November, 2021 - 5:51 pm


This week on the blog we're highlighting FC volunteer Lexi Fredman! Even though Lexi has only been involved for 1 year, she really has gone above and beyond. Her bright smile and great energy are what make her a wonderful leader and Friends@Home buddy. We couldn't be more thankful to have her apart of our circle. 



What school do you go to and what grade are you in? 

I got to Bellevue High School and I’m a senior.

What extracurricular activities do you participate in?

I’m on the student council at my school and right now I’m the club coordinator so I overlook all the clubs, their constitutions, and fill out any necessary paperwork. I’m also on the French honor society board, I play tennis in the Spring, and I’m the arts and entertainment section editor for my school’s newspaper, the Bark. 

What do you like to do in your free time? 

In my free time I like to hang out with my friends, dog sit, and if I have time on the weekends, Lily and I go see Ford as much as we can. Ford is our Friends@Home buddy. 

How long have you been involved with Friendship Circle?

I started volunteering at Friendship Circle last year at the volunteer kickoff. Actually our first Sunday Circle of the year was my first in-person Sunday Circle! Last year I did all of the Sunday Circles on Zoom and then I got paired up with Ford as my Friends@Home buddy. 

What made you want to join The Friendship Circle?

My friend Lily Podolsky told me about it and she told me how Friendship Circle is different from most volunteer opportunities. Most volunteer opportunities are a one time thing where you don’t make a lot of connections. She told me that Friendship Circle is consistent and on a schedule and that’s exactly what I wanted. I also loved how you can decide how much you’re involved and customize it to fit your own schedule. Because of that I just thought it was the perfect opportunity for me and I’ve been involved ever since. 

Are you on the leadership board? If so, what does it mean to be a leader to you?

Yes I’m on the leadership board. Being a leader to me means that you represent the organization as a whole to others who are involved and you take initiative to help someone out. For example, if I’m at a Sunday Circle and I see a volunteer not doing what they’re supposed to do or I see they need help, I’m not going to wait for an adult or a staff member to come and help. If I can step in and do something, I’m going to help them. I also think a leader is someone who makes an effort to connect with people other than their friends. Finally, a leader is someone who steps in where they’re needed. So, at Sunday Circle even if you’re staying late for cleanup or helping out others, you make sure that you’re proactive and help solve problems. 

How has the Friendship Circle impacted your life? 

Friendship Circle has given me something to do that’s not just about me. I don’t go to Friendship Circle to get something tangible like a grade. I go and I choose to be there every day because it makes me happy and I know that it makes Ford happy. I also think that I’ve learned a lot. For example, we did a workshop on happiness which was very eye opening. First we watched a video on rats and there was one rat that was trying so hard to find happiness. He looked for happiness in alcohol, in his job, and all sorts of things but he doesn’t really find it. I thought that was a great message because you find happiness in yourself and from what you choose to do. In the past, sometimes I would choose to do something that I thought would make me happy instead of continuing to do something that actually made me happy. That being said, I’m so grateful that I get to volunteer for an organization that makes me so happy. 

What has been your favorite FC program?

I think the teen and young adult hangouts are super fun because we would do movie nights and other fun activities. But overall, I think my favorite program would be Friends@Home because I love seeing Ford and I love seeing his improvement. He does a lot of therapy and works on language, sign language and muscle movement. It’s amazing to see how smart he is and how quickly he improves. I also love that you get to make a stronger connection because you’re just focusing on one person. So yeah I would definitely say Friends@Home is my favorite program. 

If you could describe the Friendship Circle in one word, what would it be?



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