
Meet Volunteer Superstar David Kohorn!

Tuesday, 8 February, 2022 - 1:00 pm

 David Sohpomore Year HS 2020.JPG

This week on the blog we’re highlighting FC volunteer David Kohorn! David is a junior at Issaquah High School and has been volunteering at Sunday Circle for about 4 years now. He is always so engaging with the participants and loves to participate in all the activities Sunday Circle has to offer. We’re so happy to have a volunteer as great as David! 

David K photos for blog (1).png

Interview Questions  

What school do you go to and what grade are you in? 

I’m a junior at Issaquah High School. 

What extracurricular activities are you involved in?

I play for the Issaquah Gunners club soccer team. I’ve been playing soccer since I was seven so it’s a pretty big part of my life. 

How long have you been volunteering with Friendship Circle? 

I started when I was in 7th grade so I believe I’ve been volunteering for about 4 years now. 

What made you want to volunteer? 

Since all I’ve really done is play soccer, I was looking for a new, interesting experience. Friendship Circle really interested me because it was different from other volunteer opportunities. Most volunteer opportunities are labor based, but with Friendship Circle you get to interact and hang out with a lot of different people which I thought was cool. 

How has Friendship Circle impacted your life?

It’s really helped me understand people more and interact with someone with special needs outside of Friendship Circle. For example, if someone at my school who has special needs, needs help with an assignment, I now know how to talk to them and help them out. 

What have you learned from volunteering at Friendship Circle? 

I’ve learned a lot about patience. Sometimes it takes longer to get things done or to have a conversation with someone with special needs and that’s okay! Everyone does things at their own pace and understanding that is really important. I’ve also been able to apply patience to my school work, especially when I have group projects. 

What’s been your favorite FC program so far?

I’d have to say Sunday Circle. I really enjoy it because I get to see a bunch of different participants and I get to meet new people every time. 

If you could describe Friendship Circle in one word what would it be? 


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